Today, as we celebrate our independence, let’s not forget one simple fact: the United States is a nation of immigrants. Many men and women came here in pursuit of dreams known to many of us as freedom from political oppression, liberty to worship without government interference, and the economic opportunity for which the United State has long been known. May today remind us of the words engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty: for the tired, the poor, the world’s huddled masses yearning to breathe free, America remains a powerful beacon of hope. So, as we see those around us that don’t speak the same language, don’t have the same customs, remember, we too, once were immigrants to this “new world”, that diversity is what makes America beautiful, and it was our great, great grandfathers and grandmothers of various ethnic, national, and religious backgrounds who made it possible for us to enjoy freedom here today. We are the immigrants of yesterday and they are the immigrants of today.
Let’s celebrate CULTURAL DIVERSITY this 4 July 2006!
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