Monday, August 13, 2007
About Me
- Name: msrstl
- Location: St. Louis, MO
Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still. ~ Dorothea Lange

Previous Posts
- Photo 7: The End of Harter...
- Life as we know it...
- Creature of Comfort
- Photo 6: Harter
- A sad day in the life of the Catholic Church...
- Photo 5: Harter...
- The Duplex by Glenn McCoy
- Those Scavengers...
- Photo 4: Harter...
- Photo 3: Harter...

Hey! You bet we're on patrol! We have a case of that aloe vera blue stuff in the closet, too. Be careful or you'll be pasted with it while you sleep in the bed with your feet up in the air!
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