Monday, April 09, 2007
About Me
- Name: msrstl
- Location: St. Louis, MO
Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still. ~ Dorothea Lange

Previous Posts
- Traditional Easter Monkey...
- Bohemian Hill...
- the first sign of spring...
- sniff...snuff...snifff...
- Molly Ivins
- 25 January 1882
- non sequitur
- snapshot 2
- snapshot 1
- I have a dream...

So many weekend trips, that damn squirrel in the wall freaking me out in the wee hours of the morning, Murphy's Landing, the power naps all afternoon in the living room, Rex just loved the weedy backyard, the walks to Parkmore, blueberry pancakes, Stetson and Belle first night in a new home, the sound of traffic, the good old days. YFS
Thanks, those are some good times...One of my fun memories of Gram on Harter. Is when she would come and help me with the planting the annunals and she would stand on the front porch and comment on the traffic on the HWY by saying "Where are they all going".
If you ever had to throw an emergency wedding reception - needed a place and catering - Harter was the place to be. Plenty of beer, wine, Pimms and hors d'ouvers. Not to mention a "stunning" hostess. Good times.
Oh, and then there was the back deck...I have such fond mammaries of a meal al fresca on the deck (shocking to a shy protestant girl like myself). If those walls could talk...
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