monkey business…
Thought I would share with you my latest e-bay purchase…this is a holy water font from a home built in 1920 in Germany. It has the German markings on the back…a ‘true treasure’. I explained the item to my family, giving the Catholic history of how it was and is still used today. A font is located at the entrance of a house or room to serve as a reminder of the centrality of baptism as the primary rite of initiation into the Christian faith. As a blessing, Catholics dip their fingers in the holy water and make the sign of the cross when entering a house or a room. (It a little like the mezuzah in the Jewish tradition)
Unbeknownst to this wacky family, I hung it to see how long it would take for them to find it…Well, wouldn’t you know it, the very next day there he was in his morning glory…monkey-bathing…holy bathing!

Amen to the Monkey too!
What a great home for your monkey friend he looks very happy.
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